Feedback from GMLC affiliates and co-working organisations
GMLC were the only responder to Long Covid Support’s national call for collaboration with the Employment Advocacy Team in early 2021. Their ongoing input to our campaigns on employment and benefit-related matters along with providing advice and guidance for people living with Long Covid has been highly valued and appreciated by many. GMLC is also a trusted partner of LongCovidWork and has provided welfare rights expertise and guidance for advocacy work for Occupational Therapy for Long Covid, such as this recent PIP information sheet for people with Long Covid.
– Long Covid Support Employment Advocacy Team member and Co-Founder of Occupational Therapy for Long Covid
Greater Manchester Unite Community branch is affiliated to GMLC and supports its work in the local community. Our branch has benefited from working directly alongside staff and volunteers, especially in the area of campaigning around benefits / Universal Credit. We have been able to share ideas and resources. On our leaflets we signpost benefit claimants to the Law Centre. Our members have had the opportunity of taking part in a Zoom Training session provided by specialists in the field of welfare rights, and our branch welcomed a speaker from the Law Centre at a recent branch meeting.
– GM Unite Community Branch
GMLC are an invaluable partner to the Tenants Union. We would not be able to provide the support we do to tenants at risk of eviction, or battling their landlords for repairs, were we not supported in critical moments by the housing team at the Law Centre. It’s a partnership we hope will last far into the future.
– Greater Manchester Tenants Union
We thank the following organisations for their financial support today and in the past:
- AB Charitable Trust
- Access to Justice Foundation
- Adactus
- Alison Law Solicitors
- Barrister-Direct
- Better Community Business Network
- Big Lottery – Celebrate and Awards for All
- Comic Relief
- Forever Manchester
- Kenworthy’s Chambers
- Legal Education Foundation
- Lush Charity Pot
- Manchester Metropolitan University
- Police and Crime Commissioner for Greater Manchester (GMPCC)
- Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Trades Council
- Tudor Trust
Affiliates and supporting organisations
- Access to Advice
- Bolton Trades Union Council
- Cheetham Hill Advice Centre (CHAC)
- FC United of Manchester
- Freedom from Torture
- Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisation (GMCVO)
- Greater Manchester and District Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (GMDCND)
- Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit (GMIAU)
- Greater Manchester Poverty Action (GMPA)
- Greater Manchester Welfare Rights Advisers Group (GMWRAG)
- Kenworthy’s Chambers
- LGBT Foundation
- Manchester Alliance for Community Care (MACC)
- Manchester Metropolitan Church
- Manchester Mind
- Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign
- Metropolitan Congregation of Wilbraham St Ninian’s United Reformed Church
- National Union of Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers (RMT) – Stockport branch
- Northern Save Justice
- North West Trades Union Congress (NWTUC)
- People’s History Museum
- Refugee Action
- Safety 4 Sisters
- Unison Manchester Community and Mental Health branch
- Unison Probation and Cafcass (North West)
- Unison Manchester City Council
- Unison Salford City
- Unite GM RMB 102/999
- Unite Greater Manchester Social Action Branch North West 389
- Unite NW/55 Fujitsu North West Branch
- Unite Greater Manchester Community Branch
- Unite GM RMB 102/999
- Unite North West Regional Finance & General Purposes Committee
- Unite NW/70209 (Service)
- University and College Union (North West)
- USDAW Branch K227
- Women Asylum Seekers Together (WAST)
- Young Legal Aid Lawyers