Now that the General Election is behind us, Greater Manchester Law Centre implores the incoming Government to secure access to justice for the whole community.
The priorities set out in the Law Centre Manifesto remain the basis upon which we believe that access to justice for all can be achieved.
Our message of community solidarity and cohesion has a greater relevance in a post-Brexit environment. We will ensure that the universal right to accessible public services outlined in the manifesto is a unifying campaign, bringing people together for common benefit.
We are committed to ensuring that the social security system, access to affordable housing and publically funded legal advice are provided as a right for all. We will continue to work with communities, voluntary and campaign groups, charities, councils and other statutory agencies from across our region to support those facing injustice and inequality.
As part of this campaign and at the core of our work will be providing direct advice, advocacy and training to enable those that are in poverty and facing social exclusion get access to justice, and can overcome the hostile environment that many of them, particularly claimants and migrants, face.
We will continue to develop our capacity and that of other advice agencies and community organisations across Greater Manchester, providing training and development opportunities for the next generation of social welfare lawyers.
Get Involved! We invite individuals, voluntary groups, legal advice agencies and community campaigns to sign up to our manifesto here.
To ensure that access to justice and equality becomes a reality for everyone across Greater Manchester and across the UK.
Photo credit: Chris Downer, 2013.