GMLC is run by the community for the community and your contributions are vital in securing key, free face-to-face advice and representation services as well as for fighting together for free access to justice.
Making a donation online is quick, easy and completely secure.
You don’t need a PayPal account, you can simply pay with your debit/credit card.
Please share the following link with your family, friends, colleagues or other contacts to invite them to support the Greater Manchester Law Centre as well:
Many of you support GMLC financially through standing orders – your regular donations allow us to plan for the future because we know we have a steady stream of income we can rely on. We are incredibly grateful.
If you are able and have not yet done so, please consider setting up a standing order through your bank:
Greater Manchester Law Centre
Account number: 55 65 82 68
Sort code: 30-91-92
Lloyds Bank, 8 Foregate Street, Chester CH1 1XP.
Whilst we demand that sustainable legal aid is provided on a national level, we rely on our community to survive. Thank you for your support.
Please contact Astrid Johnson or Roz Burgin on 0161 796 2244 or email ku.gro.walmg@tnempoleved for any questions you may have or to hear more about the work we are doing.
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date with all the latest GMLC news.